Friday, February 26, 2010

the phone call

I wouldn't really consider myself to be a superstitious person. But, to be totally honest with you, I do sometimes pick up the local newspaper just to check out how many stars my sign has that day. If I happen to fall upon a lucky five-star day, I smile to myself and move on (usually to Dear Abby...embarrassing, yes). Normally, I only look at the stars. Today, however, I read my horoscope and it said something about a job offer coming my way. A job offer that I would be stupid not to accept.

I kid you not...I swear...not two seconds later, I get a text from my mom asking me to call her.

After weeks of hearing her say, "don't get your hopes up," this morning my mother finally asked me if I was "really serious" about re-opening my grandmothers old bed and breakfast this summer (more on this to come in a later post). Really serious??? Is she joking? Did she realize this when I asked her about this at least once a day, every day for two months? Or when I forwarded her that email from the Chamber of Commerce telling me what I needed to do to get a bed and breakfast up and running? Or when, in a desperate attempt to sway her, I threatened to never come home to Maine again? Yes, Mom, I'm really serious.

And so, (barring any major, unforeseen complications), the bed and breakfast is mine to revive this summer. I could not be more excited. I am moving to Camden, Maine, the most beautiful town in America and I am trying my hand at my dream job. When I hung up the phone with my mom, I jumped up and down a few times and screamed and laughed. I am kind of surprised I survived today without exploding or imploding or doing whatever it is one does when filled with more energy and excitement than one single person can handle.

I'm going to channel my energy into this blog, where I'll try to document all of the trials and tribulations of getting a bed and breakfast up and running. I'm sure the upcoming months will produce some stressful, wonderful and potentially hilarious moments.

In case you were wondering, the daily newspaper only gave me two stars today...this time at least, I'm pretty sure the astrologers were wrong.

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