Saturday, February 27, 2010

so much to think about

Wow. I didn't realize how much there is to think about. My boyfriend (Dan)'s parents were in town this weekend and we talked with them about what it will take to get the B&B up and running again. I mean, we have to figure out how frequently established bed and breakfasts in Camden are booked, how much our start up costs will be, how much our monthly/seasonal fixed costs will be, etc etc and then figure out how much to charge for rooms. There are licenses to be bought, inspections to be had, insurance and taxes to figure out. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm glad to be learning about it now, so I can get everything together before the season begins.

Despite all of this, learning how to start a small business actually kind of excites me. It makes me feel grown up and in control of something. Who knows how long these feelings of empowerment will last, but for now I'm enjoying them! I didn't realize that I would be interested in these things. Granted, I'm still most excited about decorating the rooms and planning breakfasts, but the legal/monetary aspects make me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something tangible.

I can't wait to get to Camden. This bed and breakfast is consuming my thoughts--I even dreamt about it last night! Now I'm off to make a list of things we'll absolutely need to get for the bedrooms and bathrooms...shower curtains that fit claw foot tubs, shades for the windows, towels, sheets...eesh.

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