Thursday, March 11, 2010

breakfast-for-dinner wednesdays

Dan and I need to start honing our breakfast cooking skills. There's nothing worse than a bed and breakfast with over(or under!)-cooked eggs and soggy pancakes. Plus, breakfast is delicious and why not eat it all the time?

I decided that we should try out a new breakfast recipe every Wednesday night. Tonight, we made this recipe that is kind of a take off on huevos rancheros, called Fried Eggs, New Mexico-Style. We have the recipe thanks to Dan's mom, but I don't know who to give proper credit any event, it was delicious. I should have taken pictures and been all food-bloggy, but I forgot. Here's a picture of beautiful Camden Harbor instead:

The recipe was a lot of work (another reason why photo documentation would have been nice) and involved making 3 different salsas from scratch. This is especially difficult when you don't have a blender or a food processor. I figured that our hand held immersion blender would suffice, and then spent what seemed like hours trying to scrub tomato fragments off of the walls. All that effort didn't go unnoticed; two friends came over to serve as taste testers and the meal passed with flying colors!

Next week we're trying our hand at Eggs Blackstone with Meyer Lemon Hollandaise...basically eggs Benedict with bacon and tomato instead of Canadian bacon/ham. I can't wait...I loooove eggs Benedict. The recipe is from the Williams-Sonoma Essentials of Breakfast and Brunch cookbook, which can be found here. We have yet to cook something from it, but all of the recipes are so enticing it was hard to pick just one to start.

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