Saturday, March 13, 2010

whoa. things to work on.

Eeesh.  Okay, so this whole food preparation/photography thing isn't as easy as it seems. I have some serious new found respect for all of those really impressive food blogs I read.  They make it look so easy! Just like gymnasts on tv.  Side note: I took gymnastics for years growing up and was convinced I would make it to the Olympics and become best friends with Dominique Moceanu.  Too bad I could barely do a cartwheel...

Thursday morning, I used the leftovers from Wednesday night dinner and made breakfast for Dan and myself.   I had these really grandiose ideas of beautiful pictures to post that would make readers swoon...haha. Whoops? First of all, who knew how difficult it is to make a parfait! I ended up with greek yogurt everywhere.  Everywhere except neatly in lines in the glasses. I tried to wipe it out with a dry cloth, then a damp cloth, even my fingers (I promise not to do this when preparing food for guests)...but that stuff is stubborn! It stuck to the sides of the glasses like you wouldn't believe! Wth? Is there something wrong with me? How do people do this? And (!) if this is so hard for me, how on earth am I going to succeed at making tricky things like poached eggs and hollandaise sauce?? (Are you sensing my obsession with eggs Benedict yet?)

Here's the proof...

Furthermore, these pictures are so dark and unappetizing.  I need to figure out a better picture setting/lighting. I guess it will just be a lot of trial and error.  I can't afford a fancy camera, and honestly,   even if I could, it wouldn't do me and my serious lack of photography skills any good.

So, the parfaits were course numero uno.  Numero dos was an omelet filled with seasoned black beans and vegetables and garnished with the left over homemade salsas from the night before.

Believe it or not, this was my very first time actually trying to make omelets.  I must confess that I don't really like eggs (eek maybe that's against the rules when you run a b&b), so normally I scramble them with lots of vegetables and tons and tons and tons of cheese to mask the egg taste.  And guess what? Folding over omelets is hard. I think my need to overpower the egg taste with lots of other ingredients took over and I filled them with too much stuff.  I need to come to terms with the fact that most normal people do like eggs and maybe want to taste them when the order an omelet.  This is an earth shattering realization for me.  Wanting to taste eggs when you order an egg dish? Absurd.

I guess I need to remember that even if these things didn't look as pretty as I would have liked, they still tasted good.  And at least I'm figuring this out now, while I still have time to practice.

1 comment:

  1. I think your parfait looks good. I cant wait to be a guest!
