Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice"

Lately, I've found myself bored in the afternoons and wanting to curl up with my book. Yet, I never do it.  I'm avoiding it, because I only have about 50 pages left and I don't want it to be over.  Right now, I'm re-reading John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany.  Yes, re-reading and I'm still avoiding the end.  It's funny how a good book can have that kind of power over you.  I almost mourn the loss of the book when it's over.  I guess I can always reread them, like I'm doing now, and sometimes they're even better the second time around.  I just hate when you have to say goodbye to all of the characters; it feels like leaving good friends behind.

I am, however, excited for the next book to come my way.  I've got some on my bookshelf that I've been wanting to read.  The Book Thief, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Three Cups of Tea, and The Red Badge of Courage to name just a few.  Any thoughts on these?  Any books that I should go find at the library right away? Camden's library is awesome and I've been wanting an excuse to go down there.  Anyway, I need something to look forward to so I can finish Owen Meany and not be too sad about it.


  1. AH! Staggering Genius is seriously one of the best books I have ever read. I could not put it down and I cried in the first chapter. Loved. It.

  2. PINK - my boss just have me a prayer for owen meany. im so excited to read!
    oh yeah, its penn.
