Monday, July 12, 2010

a new dining room...

...not for the Good House, for my parents!!  Do you think I'm crazy???

My dad has been inspired by what Dan and I have done in the Good House and wants to update the dining room in my parents' house.  So, I've used it as an excuse to online window shop :)  His request for ideas coincided perfectly with my discovery of an amazing website, Polyvore.  On Polyvore you can make collages of different outfits to inspire your wardrobe/to inspire you to buy stuff you probably otherwise wouldn't.  Except, I have been importing my own home decor objects (not clothing) and using it to inspire my dad (which is probably better, given that my bank account is currently a small fraction of what it used to be).

Here are a few inspiration boards I've come up with.  (I feel like such a poser writing "inspiration board," but also a little excited to be honest.)

 New Dining Room Take One

 New Dining Room Take Two

 New Dining Room Take Three

Now to explain what's going on in these pics...the fabric swatch in the bottom left-hand corner is to cover the seats on the existing dining room chairs (which look somewhat similar to the ones pictured above, if my memory serves me right).  In the top left-hand corner are ideas for throw pillows for the window seat in our dining room. The right-hand side is filled with accessories that I think might go well in the room. I think you can figure out the light and mirror on your own...I hope so anyway. 

Perhaps my inspiration boards aren't exactly professional-looking, but I am, after all, just posing as an interior designer.  Also, I should probably tell you where all of these items are from, but I don't have time for that right now.  If you happen to want to know about one, I'd be happy to tell you! (Polyvore conveniently keeps the website and cost associated with the item for you, so you don't have to go back and try to figure out which site you got it from.)

P.S. On a wayyyy more exciting note: Dan's parents come to Maine tomorrow!  They've never been here and I'm so so so excited to show them around!  And make (yes, force) them to eat lobster rolls! Yay, it's going to be great!  Any Mainers out there have some can't-miss attractions I should take them to?? 

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