Saturday, July 3, 2010

jessie fisher.

My friend Jessie has unbelievable style.  And, she doesn't just walk the walk, she talks the talk.  When I was wallowing in decorating despair (okay, that's a bit exaggerated), Jessie recommended the curtains that are now hanging in my dining room.  And they're perfect. Absolutely 100% perfect.  And (get this) she'd never even seen the room.  Not even a picture! I only wrote a few words about colors and she found them.  All the way from Denver.   They're one of my favorite things in the whole house now.

So, stylish Jessie who grew up in Maine is now living in Denver.  And the other day, when she posted something on her blog about an extraordinarily wealthy woman approaching her on the street in Denver and asking her to re-decorate her beach cottage in Maine, well, I just about flipped my lid.  Images of forcing Jessie to let me be her personal assistant filled my mind.  Days spent rummaging through antique stores and scouring estate sales would be filled with sunshine and lots of beautiful purchases made with somebody else's money (which just so happens to be the best kind).  Turns out she made the whole thing up.  But, she definitely had me going there for awhile!  Read her post here, if you're so inclined:  This Must Be the Place.  I highly recommend it.  Her blog is hilarious and full of great ideas.  I only wish I could be as creative as Jessie!

Also, just to make you jealous--the weather here has been absolutely perfect and yesterday my mom took Dan and me out kayaking on the lake in Camden.  Although I complained of sore arms at the time, it was really fun and the perfect day to be out on the lake.

sunrise in Camden

my mom

Dan being too cool for school

my mom and me at balance rock

my kayak

don't run into that rock!

there goes my mom 

the water looks calm, but it's being very deceptive


  1. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! You are so so sweet Kristen!!! Trust me, the r-e-s-p-e-c-t is mutual. It's so funny that a)you believed that story b)didn't recognize that it was a fantasy of mine kind of based on my envy of you! Haha!

  2. maybe you should plug my etsy site

    Oh, and also, I just really wanted those curtains for myself and shared their amazingness with you, which is why they're so perfect for your dining room.
