Saturday, May 1, 2010

magic erasers: my new best friend

Thank you, unknown neighbor who is providing me with free Linksys.  If I sit in a certain spot in the living room, I can get two bars of service.  Now I don't feel totally disconnected from the world.  It's somewhat frightening how addicted I am to modern technology.  I really miss my HGTV, FoodNetwork, and trashy reality television (hmm that is really embarrassing to admit).

Since we got here, Dan, my mom and I have been cleaning until our arms get sore.  My hands are dry (I just started wearing rubber gloves...whoops) and I am sick of turning around only to find more dirty things.  Last night, Dan and I cleaned out the kitchen cabinets.  Dan cleaned one that was somehow covered in what appeared to be red cool aid.  I mean, to the point that it has saturated the wood. G-ross.  Not to mention the zillions of little black dog hairs that are floating around EVERYWHERE.  They're in the cabinets, the shelves, the brand new sheets I put on my bed last night...they are the current bane of my existence.  I am determined to make them disappear.

I have discovered that magic erasers are, in fact, magical.  The stains and dirt that just wont come off with anything else miraculously disappear as soon as that white, sponge-y thing touches them.  I love it! I have gone through three already.  I am thinking about taking a before and after magic eraser picture to show to you all.  It's really quite incredible.

As I'm cleaning some of the older woodwork in the house, I can't help but wonder how many years/decades/centuries of dirt might be on them.  I know that's pretty gross, but at the same time, I think it's kind of cool.  There are definitely cabinets and mantles that have been here for a long, long time.  Even if it's not since 1840, they're still pretty old.  What did people keep in them way back when? I mean, this house didn't even originally have electricity.  Hence, the really random places that people decided to put outlets.  And, there used to be fireplaces in the bedrooms upstairs! I guess that makes sense, logistically speaking, but I never knew of it until we took out a carpet and discovered an old hearth.  So cool, no?

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