Saturday, June 5, 2010

bad night, better morning

Last night was not a good night.  Nope, not at all.

First, my sleep was laden with nightmares about brown paint dripping all over everything and me with a severe lack of paintbrushes to clean it all up.  I was desperately trying to prevent the brown paint from destroying everything I'd already painted.

Second, there were thunderstorms all night.  Big, Kanas-style thunder.  In my sleepy delirium, I kept imagining it looking kind of like a cross between an atomic cloud and a sonic boom, reverberating over the ocean and then bouncing off of an island and back to me.  Also, it was raining cats and dogs. Or in French, il peuvait des cordes. The French think it's hilarious that we say it's raining cats and dogs, because, well, why would it rain cats and dogs? They're right, it is a silly expression.  "Cordes" means ropes, which is a bit more easily imagined.  Anyyyyyywayyyy, all of this raining business left me to picture my poor little plants desperately drowning in pools of water.  Especially the delicate spring mix lettuce, that stuff doesn't hold a chance.

Third, all of this worry turned into more nightmares punctuated by thunder, where the pools of water in my garden were suddenly big enough for me to swim in and filled with some kind of shark.  Why? Grr.

This morning, things are a lot better.  It's still raining, but nothing in my garden has drowned.  Phew. Also, the brown walls look more appealing in this light.  Maybe I'll keep them that color.  Of course, I'm still exhausted after a night of restless sleep, but that's nothing a cup of coffee can't fix (preferably from Dunkin Donuts of course).

p.s. Sorry for the lack of pictures.  Dan has his camera in Vegas this weekend, and my camera doesn't work anymore/is so old that most phones take better pictures.

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