Wednesday, June 23, 2010

pictures of acadia

Monday was spent in Acadia.  We were celebrating being essentially done with the renovations and took the day off.  Isn't it nice that we can go up there for just a day?  Considering that from most places (in the northeast even) it would take at least a day to get there!?  Fom Camden it's only about an hour and a long as you don't hit tons of traffic that is.  Yes, there can be traffic in Maine.

Jordan Pond

A stone bridge on the carriage roads

Jordan Pond House--where to go for the best popovers. ever.

View from Cadillac Mountain

Atop the highest point on the East was such a tough hike. Haha jk! We drove!

Another view from the top of Cadillac

Sand beach--you can't tell from the picture, but it was 90 degrees and sunny!

Thunder hole was disappointingly quiet, but still beautiful.

Rocky coast of Maine

I love this house! Isn't it so cute?! Love the dormers, love the porch, love the yellow. Ahh.

Out of Acadia National Park and along the waterfront in the town of Bar Harbor.  We didn't get any pictures of the shops, because Dan took all of these pictures and he cares very little about shopping, but does love a good vista.  If I'd been taking the pictures, they'd be a) not nearly as good and b) of a lot of trinkets I found and now covet :)

Another view of Bar Harbor's coastline

The Margaret Todd.  You can go out for an afternoon sail on this beaut.  Actually, when we were at the top of Cadillac, we watched the Margaret Todd leave Bar Harbor and raise her sails, one by one.  It was really beautiful.

Holy yacht!

It turned out to be a really fun, much deserved day away from the house! 

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