Wednesday, June 23, 2010

thank you, person who invented dvr

Why is it that all of the good tv shows are on the same night?  Wednesday nights were already crowded, as far as our tv line up goes.  There are two shows Dan really likes to watch these nights and now a new season of Top Chef has begun.  I couldn't even schedule for it to record at 9 o'clock without bumping another show off of the record list (luckily it's replayed at 11).  And then, tonight I finally saw the Fabulous Beekman Boys on Planet Green.  I. am. obsessed.  I had seen the somewhat obnoxious preview for the show and still wanted to watch it, but then just seemed to keep missing when it was on.  Tonight, however, I channel surfed upon a mini marathon.

(Josh and Brent)

In case you aren't familiar with the show, these guys used to live in New York City, but bought a farm in upstate New York and are trying to run it (with help from a guy named Farmer John).  Josh still commutes to the City for work every week and comes home to the farm on weekends, where Brent (a former VP of Healthy Living at Martha Stewart ) is busy doing what I could only describe as Martha-fying the farm (i.e., he washes the pigs).  Hilarity and drama ensue, obviously. (If you don't get Planet Green, you can still watch the first episode for free.)

First and foremost, I love the show because what they are doing is basically my dream on steroids.  Except, if I were them, I would turn that mansion into a bed and breakfast too.  How awesome would it be to have a working farm bed and breakfast?  Then guests who are interested in starting their own small farmsteads could come to stay and learn about farming.  The guests would help you with the farm chores, but you would teach them along the way.  Granted,  I would probably have to be a guest at first, given that I am struggling to keep my tiny garden alive.  You could even do certain crafts classes, like re-purposing old furniture...and cooking classes too!  Using all ingredients from the farm, of course.  And people could look at a calendar of classes offered to decide which weekend they'd like to come stay.  Whoa, tangent.  But seriously, wouldn't that be so fun??  The Beekman Farm would be the perfect place...just look at how gorgeous it is:

 (photo credit: Beekman 1802)

Second, Brent and Josh kind of remind me of Dan and me, well minus the fact that they're gay and have tons of money and are a doctor and a New York Times bestselling author...okay, so we're pretty different.  But, I am amused by how Brent makes lists for Josh.  I am obsessed with making lists.  At the beginning of living here, I had so many lists that I needed a list just to keep track of all of my lists (not really, but come to think of it, that would have been helpful).  When Josh comes home from a long week of work in the City, Brent shoves a to-do list in his face...well, that's me with Dan.  Except Dan is coming downstairs from I don't feel so bad.  (Also, I have only actually made one THREE listS (Dan swears this is true) for Dan so far...although I am in the process of making another one...whiiiich he doesn't know about yet.)  Josh said something about how if he were to make a list for Brent, it would include sitting back, relaxing and not stressing out so much.  I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Dan would put on my list.

 (photo credit: Beekman 1802)

Third, they make cheese!  And I L-O-V-E love cheese.  I want to order some to eat right now.  They ship it all over the place!  Yum.  Anyway, I think the show is great and what they are doing with their farm is great, too.  My only wish is that they would put in some more details about farming and how to farm, or how they make the cheese (haha, can you tell I'm stuck on the cheese?).  Looks like I just might have to add another show to our already long list of Wednesday night DVR or, better yet, force Dan to watch this with me in real time. Maybe if I give him a long enough list of things to do, I'll have the tv all to myself....?

p.s. they have a goat cam on their website! okay, it's not quite puppy cam, but still amazing in that ridiculous sort of way.

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