Friday, September 17, 2010

yup. obsessed with pinterest.

So Pinterest has the potential to be amazing.  But you know what I don't like about it?  The only thing I don't like about it? But it's a pretty big thing?  That you have to be invited.  I applied (insert snobby, Harvard voice here) and am on the waiting list.  I'm not applying to college. I just want to use their website.  Instead, I only get what could be referred to as a "sneak peak."

Now, the website is so cool that I am still dying to be able to use it.  And since I want so badly to not have to dislike any aspect of Pinterest, I'm sincerely hoping that they have some real reason for the wait. Like they can't handle that many users because they're new or something.  We'll see.  For now, I'm still going to shamelessly rave about things I've found.  Please excuse the picture overload here.  I can't control my excitement.

Ok, disclaimer, this is just the beginning of what I've found from ONE user. Her name is Leah Dent and I love what she's pinned! These images are from various sources, like etsy and apartment therapy, but she has compiled them all into her Home and Hearth folder. Ready for some more?  Me too.

How cool is this chair?  I have seen "dipped" chairs before, but this is definitely a new take on it that I love! So creative! Also, I was eyeing some needlepoint botanicals at the antique shop I mentioned in my last post.  And how cool are those book shelves? And that book wheel?  It makes me want to push whoever made it and say "get out!" 

Those are repurposed "orphan" drawers.  Isn't that such a neat idea? And I am currently obsessed with pendant lights, breakfast nooks, and chesterfield sofas.  What am I not obsessed with these days? Well, I'll tell you one thing, it's not birds.  Those rank #1 on my obsession list.  Closely followed by anything hobnail or milk glass...

That brass bird is so phenom.  And hobnail milk glass with an owl?  Come on. Did she compile these images for me? I need to apologize for my lack of a filter here.  I just can't pick and choose which images to leave out.  There are so many that I love.  I feel like there are sooo many beautiful things out there and I want them all to be mine.  Somehow, posting about them on my blog makes me feel like they belong to me just a little bit.  At least I have documentation of them somewhere. And that, thank goodness, is much healthier for my bank account.  Here are the final few images from Leah's Hearth and Home that I just couldn't not share:

Look at those tea cups! I wish I had that many amazing tea cups.  And what a cool way to display them. I am loving more and more Scandinavian style interiors with quirky little details, like rows of mismatched teacups.  Every thing's a little more fun when it's mismatched. 


  1. I would give my left arm (not my right) to have my bed made into a swing. That just became a life goal for me. I found a pic today of a bedroom I want really really badly....I wish I could post it here. I'll post it on your fb wall.

  2. Hi, this is Ben, one of the creators of Pinterest. Thanks for the lovely blog post. In answer to your question, no, we're not trying to create an invite only community. It's just that we're a small team and want to get everything in tip top shape before we release. Ping me at ben - at - pinterest . com and I can send you some invites.

    Thanks again for the nice writeup!

  3. I was just going to ask if you had been accepted yet! I haven't heard back, but I am excited too Ben!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello hello, I am very late to this little conversation, but I'm Leah. The Leah you mention and my friend just sent me a link to your post. I live in a very remote little city and it is just lovely to find you mention me all the way over there in Maine. Are you still enjoying Pinterest? Hasn't it gone gangbusters since your post?!
